Name: Poetic Rhythm and Sound
Owner: archw
Type: lesson
Created: Apr 19, 2019 01:39 AM GMT
SoftChalk Version: 11
File Size: 3.56 MB
Description: This is a lesson on poetic rhythm, meter, and rhyme. It covers how to use scansion to determine a poem's prosody. It also covers the basics of rhyme schemes including internal versus slant rhymes, assonance versus consonance, and other poetic devic
Subject(s): English Language Arts, Arts
Grade Level(s): Undergraduate, Grade 11, Grade 10, Grade 12
Keyword(s): iamb, iambic, trochee, trochaic, anapest, anapestic, dactyl, dactylic, spondee, spondaic, poetic feet, poetic foot, meter, pentameter, tetrameter, trimeter, dimeter, hexameter, slant rhyme, internal rhyme, assonance, consonance, alliteration, euphony, cacophony, scansion, prosody
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